Anti-Satellite Missile – A New Weapon In India’s Kitty
India has successfully test-fired an anti-satellite missile (ASAT) that has the capacity to destroy any satellite flying in the orbit. Mission Shakthi :- Tentatively named [read more]
India has successfully test-fired an anti-satellite missile (ASAT) that has the capacity to destroy any satellite flying in the orbit. Mission Shakthi :- Tentatively named [read more]
Carbon emissions from India have risen by 4.8% says the International Energy Agency Report – Global Energy & CO2 Status Report. Emissions :- The IEA [read more]
Recently, RBI has made a surprise decision to allow for a Rupee-Dollar swap from banks to boost liquidity into the banking system. What Is Rupee-Dollar [read more]
Lokpal, The anti-corruption ombudsman is finally set to become operational with the selection of all its members. The Lokpal & Lokayuktas :- Since the Lokpal and [read more]
Recently, a child in Kozhikode, Kerala died of West Nile Fever, an unfamiliar disease to India. What Is West Nile Virus ? West Nile Virus [read more]
Minister of External Affairs Smt. Sushma Swaraj had visited Maldives in a sign of resetting of ties. The Visit :- The visit to the Island [read more]
Big developing countries like India, China, and Brazil are opposing the developed countries demand for ending special and differential treatment to developing countries at World [read more]
The Department of Science and Technology (DST) is planning to bring out a Climate Vulnerability Index to assess climate risks faced by the States. Background [read more]
The Global Environment Outlook (GEO) found that the damage caused to the Environment by human made pollution is the reason behind 25% of premature deaths [read more]
In a study, it was found that the biodiversity rich “hotspots in the country” are also the areas where the human impacts is the highest. [read more]
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