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1. Cabinet to okay repeal of laws on November 24
2. SKM seeks legal backing for MSP, repeal of electricity Bill: Informative Reading
3. Sifting the pile : (GS-1)
UPSC Syllabus : Urbanization, their problems and remedies
4. On the brink : (GS-2)
UPSC Syllabus : International affairs
5. Tackling the problem of bad loans : (GS-3)
UPSC Syllabus : Monetary Policy-Banking Sector & NBFCs
6. ‘Go back to committees’ is the farm laws lesson : (GS-1)
UPSC Syllabus : Indian polity-Parliamentary Committees
7. Keeping a close eye on China’s nuclear capabilities : (GS-2)
UPSC Syllabus : India and its neighborhood- relations
8. Reliable data, good policy : (GS-2)
UPSC Syllabus : Governance/Government Policies
9. Some nations stalling maritime order: Rajnath: Informative reading
10. Pratham gets Indira Gandhi Peace Prize: Informative Reading
11. PM likely to join Joe Biden’s Democracy Summit: Informative Reading
12. Prolonged school closures pose threat to gender equality: study : (GS-2)
UPSC Syllabus : Gender-Issues Related to Women
13. Life expectancy lower for urban poor, says study : (GS-2)
UPSC Syllabus : Health
14. Protests break out in Pak. port city over CPEC: Informative Reading
15. Sri Lanka revokes ban on fertilizers: Informative Reading
16. U.K. to probe ‘racial bias’ in medical devices: Informative Reading
Current Affairs
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